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Biodanza and Neo-Shamanism

«Medicine wheel mandala mirrors clear mind. May the sacred hoop be renewed in this time»    Dhyani Ywahoo

Our hearts are filled with joy as we invite you to join us in this opportunity to recreate the circle, to share those extraordinary moments of connection and celebration.

«Biodanza and Neo-Shamanism» is an invitation to dive in the heart of Nature, to touch our own wild and sacred nature. 

Each and every one of us is a blessed child of the Universe.  Each and every one of us has a Divine nature, an essential connection, a way of belonging to an archetypal lineage. The cosmic connection to the Universe, the encounter with our own Totem Animal, the diverse Rites and Ceremonies offered during the workshop will enable us to rekindle that connection, to tap into our innate wisdom , to awaken the healer within, to recreate our shamanic relationship to everyday life and to experience hierophany : the eruption of sacredness at the very heart of what we consider wrongly as being profane.

Sunrise ritual, Sacred Fire, Moon ceremony, Clay, contact with the Elements and the Directions, chanting and dancing in Nature will create the path for that journey back to the source.

July 12

Biodanza and Neo-Shamanism Open Friday Night

September 4

First Class, 9/4