Biodanza is an invitation to cultivate the Art of Vivencia — the ability to be completely present to life in each moment.

Biodanza encourages us to explore the gestures and embodied vocabulary of Vivencia, letting us rekindle our connection to self, others, and the world. Biodanza uses the simple and beautiful movements of everyday living, including circles, taking hands, encounters, hugs, touch, caress, witnessing, rhythm, and joy. In service to the experience of Vivencia, we weave dances of simple and profound presence. We open ourselves to passionate and blissful dialogues of sacredness, humility, and humanity. In the moving poetry of dance, we rediscover the joy and profound grace of being alive... together! Biodanza is not about any form of proficiency. It is a personal and cultural transformative practice using dance and ritual for everyone who yearns to really live. Biodanza is for proficient dancers and people who still think they cannot dance. 

Biodanza was created in the 1960s by the Chilean anthropologist and psychologist Rolando Toro Araneda. The Biodanza system is now found in 54 countries, including Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, France, Germany, Israel, India, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Venezuela, Australia, Japan, South Africa, United States, Ireland and Russia.

Click on the photo to watch a video of Rolando Toro offering a beautiful explanation of the practice.