Friday Evening Biodanza Celebration of Nature's Falling into Fall.
With souls filled with joy, we invite you to join us in celebrating nature’s falling into fall. Amid the hectic back-to-work rhythm of September, let’s take a moment to pause, to slow down and to take in the beauty and the fruits of the past summer, integrating them into a new unity.
Then, gently, like nature, we may be able to center and find a state of balance before starting the hibernation movement, the passage from outside to inside, allowing inner expansion as we return to oneself, bringing in the light!
Throughout the whole weekend, in the beauty of our dances, we'll be able to welcome change and discover the path that leads us to transformation. We will transition with the natural grace of sunsets at the end of the day, or the thousand colors of autumn forests.
We will be waiting for you to dance with us Friday night, so together we may set ablaze the wonderful golden light of a wonderful autumn!